Financial support
SME Support (MSP) Bank products at preferential rates

Preferential equipment leasing

Preferential industry loans

Preferential micro-credits

Surety to the borrower

Investment lending:
- Lending from 1 to 2000 million rubles;
- Rate from 10.25% per annum;
- Up to 120 months;
- Equity interest 20%;
- Purpose: Acquisition, reconstruction, upgrade, repair of fixed assets; construction of buildings and erections for industrial purposes.
Contact lending
- Lending from 1 to 500 million rubles;
- Rate from 10.25% per annum;
- Up to 36 months;
- No more than 70% of the agreement funded;
- Purpose: financing of expenses related to the agreement execution by the borrower under 223-FZ and (or) 44-FZ.
Guarantees under Federal Law No. 44; 223:
- Lending up to 1 billion rubles;
- The rate is from 2% per annum;
- SME Support Bank acts as a guarantor for the execution of agreements under 223-FZ and 44-FZ.
Express lending:
- From 50 thousand to 10 million rubles;
- From 11.5% per annum;
- Up to 36 months;
- It is provided without a pledge.
Preferential equipment leasing
- Russian equipment – the rate is 6%;
- Foreign equipment – the rate is 8%;
- The agreement amount is up to 50 million rubles;
- The term of the lease agreement is up to 60 (84) months;
- Advance payment from 15% (10%);
- Priority is given to the following areas: Manufacturing. Agriculture. Medicine. Cooperation. Suppliers of major customers. Single-industry towns and TOSER. Sport.
Preferential industry loans
- Project funding to purchase the equipment for import substitution or export potential development;
- Development projects 2 to 20 million rubles (2% against a bank guarantee and the provision of security from guaranteeing organizations, 5% against other types of security);
- Joint loans from 20 to 100 million rubles (1% for the first three years against a bank guarantee, 3% against other types of security);
- Components from 20 to 100 million rubles (1% for the first three years, 3% for the remaining agreement term);
- Increase in labor productivity from 5 to 50 million rubles (1% per annum for the entire loan term);
- Clusters from 5 to 30 million rubles. (1% against a bank guarantee, 5% against other types of security);
- Guarantee: bank guarantee, security, real estate, vehicles, equipment;
- Up to 60 months co-funding from 50% (20%).
Preferential micro-credits
- Up to 5 million rubles, for a period of up to 36 months - for investment purposes (acquisition of fixed assets - purchase of transport, special equipment, equipment, reconstruction, upgrade, overhaul, construction of buildings and erections, franchise purchase, etc.);
- Up to 5 million rubles, for a period of up to 24 months - for operating purposes (including payment of wages, tax payment, purchase of goods/fuel and lubricants, payment of current expenses of activities, execution of government agreements concluded, etc.);
- Conditions: in case of property security, the annual interest rate is considered equal to the key rate of the Bank of Russia at the time of conclusion of the microcredit agreement. In case of no property security provided, the annual interest rate is considered equal to the 1.5 key rate of the Bank of Russia at the time of conclusion of the microcredit agreement;
- Pledge: real estate, vehicle, equipment, surety.
Surety to the borrower
It is provided to SMEs (legal entities, sole proprietors) for loans, credites, leasing agreements and bank guarantees in case the pledge is insufficient;
The amount of guarantee is up to 70% of the required amount, but not more than 25 million rubles;
- The rate is from 0.5% to 1.25%.