Investment Standard
Investment Declaration
Creates the conditions boosing the advanced regional investment development. Approved by the Order of the Governor of the Chelyabinsk region No. 1209-r dated 01.11.2021.
View the investment declarationInvestment development assistance
The declaration guarantees:
- Stable conditions for investment projects
- Fewer administrative barriers
- Prompt pre-trial dispute resolution
- Competitive allocation of project resources
- Compliance with investor support provision conditions
- Simpler, one-stop implementation of projects
Investment Development Agency
In the Chelyabinsk Region, the functions of the development agency are performed by the Investment Development Department of the Chelyabinsk Region Entrepreneurship Development Fund — My Business Center (in accordance with the Law of the Chelyabinsk Region of August 28, 2003 No. 175-ZO "On boosting investment activity of the Chelyabinsk Region" and the Charter of the Fund).
The investment development is involved in private investment attracting, supporting investment projects and consulting entrepreneurs in a "one-stop" mode.
CharterOne-stop regulations
Pattern of interaction with investors
Investment development
- Attracting investments and promoting investment opportunities in the Chelyabinsk region;
- Project support, including preparation of necessary documents, search for investors/co-investors and other forms of funding, interaction with the project after funding, etc.;
- Ensuring a "one-stop" regime for investors when interacting with executive authorities;
- Assistance in the creation of project teams to support and implement specific turnkey investment projects;
- Promotion of investment opportunities and projects of the region in Russia and abroad (including by means of conferences, exhibitions, forums);
- Ensuring interaction with investment and venture funds, banks, foreign state investment agencies, specialized financial organizations, Russian and international development institutions to use their potential and opportunities of funding and investment support in the region.
Investment map of the Chelyabinsk region
Provides investors with information:
- on investment facilities and engineering infrastructure;
- on available preferences;
- on the resources for the implementation of investment projects..
The investment map was put into operation by the Order of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Chelyabinsk Region No. 173 dated 22.12.2021. The algorithm for the actions of the information exchange participants as well as the procedure for verifying the information provided to the investment map from external sources, were approved by the Deputy Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region on 12/20/2021.
Investment Committee
The Investment Committee is part of the Council under the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region to improve the investment climate (Order of the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region dated October 24, 2012 No. 1300-r).
On the Investment Committee of the Chelyabinsk region 1343-r
Protocol of the Investment Committee No. 1 dated 02/28/2022
Protocol of the Investment Committee No. 2 dated 04/18/2022
Protocol of the Investment Committee No. 3 dated 20.06.2022
It considers issues related to::
- violation of the investment declaration provisions of the Chelyabinsk region;
- non-compliance with the Set of Investment Rules;
- prompt consideration of disputes arising during the implementation of investment projects on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region, in a pre-trial manner;
- improvement of the investment climate and implementation of investment projects in the Chelyabinsk region, for subsequent submission to the Council for discussion;
- submitting proposals for the consideration by the Council to reduce barriers hindering the development of the economy of the Chelyabinsk region..
- Building favorable conditions for conducting investment activities, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of investment entities
- Resolution of investor's disagreements and disputes on the implementation of investment projects in the region
Investment rules code
The code of investment rules consists of optimal algorithms for the investor's actions and other participants in the investment process (resource-supplying organizations, authorities). The algorithms define the interaction manner between the parties and set deadlines for connecting the investment facility to the engineering infrastructure.
The code of investment rulesOn the territory of the Chelyabinsk region, technological connection (connection) is carried out by resource-supplying organizations:
JSC IDGC of the Urals – branch of "Chelyabenergo" – connection to electric networks
Phone: 8-800-220-0-220.
Gazprom Gas Distribution Chelyabinsk JSC – connection to the gas distribution network
Phone: 8-800-600-52-38.
Technological connection of companies
In Chelyabinsk, the major suppliers are:
JSC "USTEK-Chelyabinsk" –connection to the heat supply system in the 01 heat supply zone
MUE "CHKTS" –connection to the heat supply system in the 02, 03 heat supply zone
Phone: (351)723-00-82.
MUE "POVV" – connection to the water supply system
Phone: (351)214-00-14.
JSC "Chelyabinsk Gorgaz" connection to gas distribution networks
Phone: (351) 214-94-04.
Technological connection services can be applied for on the official websites of resource-supplying organizations (RSO)
Contact persons of the resource-supplying organizations in charge for investor's interaction:
Gazprom PJSC
Babaev Sergey Mikhailovich
Director General of JSC "Chelyabskgazservis", JSC "Chebarkulmezhraigaz", JSC "Korkinomezhraigaz"
Phone: 8 (351) 247-12-68
Samarskiy Sergey Leonidovich
Director General of JSC "Kopeyskmezhraigaz"
Phone: 8 (351) 247-12-37
Lebedev Anton Alexandrovich
Director General of JSC Gazprom Gas Distribution Chelyabinsk, JSC "Chelyabskgorgaz"
Telephone:8 (3512) 61-00-18, 8 (3512) 47-90-21
ОIDGC of the Urals OJSC
Zolotarev Sergey Mikhailovich
Deputy Director General– Director of the Branch of IDGC of the Urals OJSC – "Chelyabenergo"
Phone: (351)267-83-59
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