Andrey Belousov instructed to start developing a municipal investment standard

The First Deputy Prime Minister organized an investment headquarters with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This year, the implementation of the regional investment standard will be completed. The created approaches to working with investors can now be replicated in specific territories. Andrei Belousov instructed to create a minimum set of requirements for municipalities.
"Any investments are made in municipalities. The level of local teams and systems of work with investors is very different. This requires a minimum set of requirements for municipalities. It is necessary to understand whether the same urban plans allow making investment decisions. Starting with large cities, preferential zones, typical problems associated with the implementation of investment projects in municipalities will have to be identified”, stated Andrey Belousov.
"Already now there are best practices for the implementation of Regional investment standard, we have something to focus on, and it is important to understand that personnel play a key role in this process. It is necessary to have those in charge for working with investors appinted for the positions not lower than the Deputy Head of the municipality. City authorities should be set to work with the investor: they can participate in informing businesses about the regional investment standard, in the process of reducing the time for connecting to networks, and filling out the investment map. Another important tool is a working system of motivation through the rating of municipalities. Also, a key role is played by high-quality staffing of local self-government bodies. Therefore, the percentage of participants from municipalities in the RANEPA advanced training program should be increased", suggested Chairman of "Delovaya Rossiya" Alexey Repik.
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In 2023, 44 regions joined the work on the implementation of the regional investment standard. About 700 people will be trained at the site of the Higher School of Management, RANEPA. Participants will acquire necessary skills to form the elements of the standard, improve their investment and financial competencies, and get acquainted with the best regional experience.
“The program consists of three modules and several busy days. 17 people will be sent from 44 regions - this is an investment team. In addition, in 2023, a PRO level program will be launched, a new training block for those who have completed previous training. The work will be aimed at identifying barriers and areas of growth in the implementation of the regional investment standard. Creation of a map of interaction both within the region and with other entities to launch joint projects”, told Deputy Director of Higher School of Management Oleg Kondratenko.
Also at the meeting, Andrei Belousov was presented with a new section of the website of the Ministry of Economic Development - measures to support investment projects. The portal contains 16 of the most popular and potentially interesting support measures. These are mechanisms for stabilizing legislation, financial incentives, preferential instruments and preferential regimes of the Ministry of Economic Development.
«The presented tools complement each other in order to provide the investor with the most detailed palette of support mechanisms that may be relevant for him. In addition, the tools are grouped for specific business scenarios: from the construction of an agro-industrial complex to the opening of an IT company. A separate section is devoted to investments in the regions. On the interactive map, you can select a subject, read information about it, find contacts, algorithms for connecting to engineering networks, and address a problem», said Alexander Molodtsov, Director of the Department of Labor Productivity, Protection and Promotion of Investments.
The site was evaluated by representatives of business associations: RUIE, Delovaya Rossiya, Opora Rossii, Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Feedback from them will be taken into account in the further improvement of the information resource. Thus, in the near future it will have tools for international promotion.
The meeting was also attended by Executive Vice President of the RUIE Maria Glukhova, Vice President of the CCI Dmitry Kurochkin, Deputy Governor of the Volgograd Region Anna Pisemskaya, Minister of Economic Development of the Novosibirsk Region Lev Reshetnikov, First Deputy Chairman of the Economic Development and Investment Committee of the Leningrad Region Yegor Meshcheryakov.