Project "Production of non-woven geotextile materials"


Investor Company
Vtor-Kom, JSC

Ongoing projects
Terms of implementation
2021 – 2023
More about the project
Vtor-Kom JSC is a leading Russian manufacturer of non-woven materials. The company manufactures non-woven geosynthetic materials, waterproofing fabric Teplonit, non-woven bases for floor and roofing, plush thermally bonded fabric - synthetic sintepon for clothing and furniture purposes, unwoven stitched batting, thermal felt and other types of technical textiles. Since 1999, the production of corrugated cardboard and its products has also been operating. The investment project provides for an increase in the production capacity of the existing enterprise to produce non-woven materials used for road construction, the oil and gas sector by 25%.Project implementation: 2021 - 2023 Investment volume: 675 million rubles. The project provides for the creation of 15 new jobs.
Photo source - company website