Miass urban district
Administration address
454010, Russia, Chelyabinsk, Yeniseyskaya st., 8
Official website
Population size
160.9 thousand people
Municipal investment standard
Position in the investment climate rating
3rd place out of 5 (Group 1)
Single-industry towns in the territory of the Moscow Region
City of Miass
Preferential regime "TOR"
Miass Advanced Development Territory
Preferential regime of the "SEZ"
There is no SEZ
Industrial parks and industrial clusters
- Industrial cluster of transport engineering and drive technology (participant from Miass – Ural-Polymer LLC)
- Industrial cluster of special equipment (OOO "Miass sewing factory")
Economic specialization
- Manufacturing industry: mechanical engineering
- Tourism and recreation
- Agriculture (dairy farming and potato growing)
Volume of goods shipped
155,598.7 million rubles
Main enterprises
- JSC "AZ "Ural"
- JSC "State Rocket Center named after Academician V.P. Makeyev"
- Ski resort "Sunny Valley"
Investment map of the Russian Federation will appear here soon
Go to the investment map of the Russian FederationInvestment Commissioner
Ponomareva Elena Mikhailovna
Deputy Head of the District (for economic development and investment)
+7 (351) 326-42-09
+7 982 312 33 30

Investment Proposals
Main projects

Investor's steps
Consultation, support options presentation
1 day
Consultation on the required document set
5 days
Project primary audit and comprehensive expert examination
3-5 days
Investment project commission
Once in a month
Project support
In the course of the project