Investment sites for the country hotels. Tyulyuk village

Proposed projects
More about the project
Construction of a 120-room hotel with an outdoor thermal pool operated under an international or federal network brand . May be financed as part of Tourism and Hospitality industry National Project.
Cadastral quarter: 74:10:607001
Address: Chelyabinsk region, Katav-Ivanovsky MR, Tyulyuk village
Land category: Land of settlements
Form of ownership: State, non-delimited
Area: 41 ha
Permitted use: Recreational area
Power supply: Distance to the connection point 800 m
Gas: —
Entrance: Unpaved road
Construction of a minor country hotel. May be financed as part of Tourism and Hospitality industry National Project.
Cadastral quarter: 74:10:0606001:482
Address: Chelyabinsk region, Katav-Ivanovsky district, village Cordonny: landmark: 45 meters to the northeast from the land plot No. 2, Lesnaya St.
Land category: Land of settlements
Form of ownership:
Area: 0.3 ha
Permitted use: For the placement of objects specific to localities
Power supply: Distance to the connection point 800 m
Gas: —
Entrance: Unpaved road